Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Cheerful Heart

Life is tough on its good days. The impact of sin has left its scars on every aspect of our lives. Increasingly I am grieved as I see disease, death, destruction--and multiplied heartache. Sometimes I feel with intensity a homesickness for heaven.

Grief is a constant companion. Sin is a constant struggle. I must daily remind myself, as one writer has put it, to "Fight to the Death." against sin.

The reality of grief, sadness, suffering, difficulty is not new to us. The challenge to those who live by faith is to be joyful in the midst of trial--to have a cheerful heart. Some of us need a good dose of the medicine that cheers.

Spurgeon wrote, "“Moreover, labor is easy to those of a cheerful spirit; success waits on cheerfulness. The ones who work while rejoicing in God and believing with all their hearts have success guaranteed.”

Perhaps one of the best ways to testify to our Savior is through a cheerful countenance. A cheerful heart and look is a reminder to a world scarred by sin that God is great and God is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragment brother. A cheerful heart is a good medicine. You are a good physician---I will take your prescription.
Fernando L.

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