Monday, June 12, 2006

Nourished in the Word

Nourished in the Word

The Dangerous and Exciting Journey of Shepherding a Flock

To be called to Pastor a local congregation is a dangerous and exciting occupation. You never know who is going to enter into a church building on a given Sunday. It may be one that is the answer to all of your prayers--a godly servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. It may be one who brings years of unsound theological baggage through the door and into your life. This person often is not teachable and sows seeds of discord as he traverses your carefully plowed field. Yes--there are many dangers. Church life can be more than a little wacky from time to time.

And yet when the preacher stands to preach--he does so before the watching eyes of God and the elect angels. He stands behind an open Bible and proclaims "Thus saith the Lord." It is an amazingly humble and exciting task. The Lord may be served in any legitimate calling of life. We are all ministers. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to serve Him as a preacher of the truth in the wacky, dangerous, exciting world of the church. Let us pray that the Lord will grant us wisdom to shepherd those who providentially land on the doorstep of the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. The sheep need wise shepherds (who are sheep themselves) to help them navigate through this life. Let us be found faithful.

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