Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Doesn't Anyone Preach the Bible Anymore

A recent phone call was very revealing. The very kind person on the other end of the line indicated her discouragment about superficial preaching. She saw an ad in the local paper giving basic information about our church. The ad mentions that we teach the Bible verse by verse. She was obviously encouraged by our announcement. She said something to the effect, "I wondered if anyone teaches the Bible anymore?"

I must admit the question is a good one. We live in a day when clear, passionate, accurate confrontative Bible preaching is being jettisoned for a more feel-good worship experience. One local church brags that they will get you in and out of church in an hour and that the worship services are fun with movie clips and a casual atmosphere. Their promotion in part angers me--but mostly I am deeply grieved.

If you are a Pastor reading this--please be faithful to preach the Bible. Don't leave folks in your community wondering if anyone preaches the Bible anymore.

If you are looking for a church to invest your life in make sure that there is an emphasis on expository preaching. If you need recommendations in your area then please let me know. I will help you. You can learn more about our church at www.nourishedintheword.org

A lady in our church sent me the following quotes about preaching from Pastor John MacArthur.

"Christ rules through His revealed truth preached, explained, applied, upheld.... and at the same time there is a growing disdain for faithful mediators of Christ's headship. Who are they? Faithful expositors.

Non-biblical ministry, non-expository preaching, non-doctrinal teaching usurps Christ's headship silencing HIS voice to His church and gives honor to proud independence and autonomy as if it is a virtue.

This approach strips the church of the mind of Christ, builds indifference and ignorance toward the Scriptures, prevents the preacher from being the voice of the Lord to His church, removes protection from error and sin, eliminates transcendence and clarity, cripples worship, produces compromisers, and cheats people of the glory of their Head in all His fullness."

Preach the Word! Love the Word! Hear the Word!



Lori Rhodes said...

Thank you that you are faithful to preach the Word to our church and family.

Anonymous said...

Yea and Amen Brother!

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