Friday, February 01, 2008

I am Voting for Huckabee

The fact of Creation is simply stated in the Bible. It is not debated. It is, however, plainly articulated. God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them (Genesis 1-2).

The intricate design and order of creation serves as a powerful testimony to the reality of God. Psalm 19 teaches that “the heavens declare His glory.” Romans 1 makes it clear that creation testifies to the existence and power of God. His fingerprints are everywhere.

God created one man (Adam) and one woman (Eve). He commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Every person is a product of original creation and a result of God’s design that Adam and Eve have children. We carry with us the very image of God which testifies to the fact that God is our Creator.

Life is a gift from God to be treasured. It represents the mountain peak of God’s creative activity in Genesis. Life is not a second tier issue to be debated during Presidential campaigns by those who will not vigorously defend the value of life from conception to death.

Pro-life is not simply anti-abortion. To be Pro-life means that human life is valuable because the supremely glorious God created life. It means pro-adoption, pro-family, pro ministry to unwed mothers and pro-teaching on the family.

Frankly many of us who are strongly pro-life are weary of candidates who give lip service to pro-life issues but who are unwilling to stand strong and fight hard for all of the issues of life.

One of the fundamental responsibilities of government is to defend its citizens from those who would cause them evil. Our youngest and most vulnerable citizens are often left without much defense.

I am a political conservative. However, I am not in the tank for any particular political party. The stakes are too high for that. The pro-life movement has too often been betrayed by those who promised to stand strong. I believe in tax-cuts. I believe in limited government. I believe in many of the principles so clearly articulated by Ronald Reagan. But I also believe that life is not a secondary issue. I am not content with promises by political leaders who care more about the winds of popular opinion than about what is right.
Ronald Reagan told his advisors to not bring up the political impact of any potential decision that they might recommend. He instructed them to tell him what they thought was the right thing to do. That is one of the reasons that we honor Reagan. That is what we must do. Don’t ask the political impact of your decisions when you vote. Ask what is right. Do that which is right.

Too much stock is put into political campaigns. The great comfort that I have as a Christian is that God reigns. His sovereign purposes cannot be thwarted. I am confident in God regardless of who occupies the seats of power in our world. Knowing that leads me to seek to do what is right as I vote and as I live.

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