Tuesday, September 30, 2008


As we battle with remaining sin we often find our relationships with others strained.

1. We should be careful in our judgements towards others. If we feel we have been wronged by others through a word spoken let us ask, "Do we really know the intent of that person's heart?" How easy it is in the midst of conversation to fail in communication. Let us not be quick to judge our brother or sister as to their hearts intents.

William Jay in his "Morning Exercises" writes, "Men often complain without cause. They may be mistaken with regard to the nature and design of many actions, because they judge after outward appearances. But God's claims are unlimited. He sees motives; he looketh to the heart; he takes our meaning; and passing by our mistakes and infirmities, accepts and commends our aims and endeavors."

2. Let the failings of others lead us to humble self-examination.

"Let us make the deficiencies and sins of others a mirror in which to behold our own. Do I meet with ingratitude in a fellow-creature that I have relieved? Let it soften my resentment, and keep me from resolving to do no more for him. Let me inquire how I have behaved towards my heavenly Benefactor. Do I reflect on an undutiful child, and perhaps justly too? Yet let me ask whether my heavenly Father has not much more reason to condemn me. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquity, O Lord, who should stand?"

Relationships are to be treasured, guarded, and protected. We are all struggling in our communication, attitudes, tones and abilities to relate to both friends and enemies. Godly relationships calls on us to be slow to judge others and quick to examine our own hearts.

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